Install Test Release Version 4 Notes - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki
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Changes from v3 to v4:
- You must now set anon_project in xnat.cfg which defines the name of the project that is created in the pseudonymised XNAT instance during installation.
- Plugin sources included in /uploader/plugin-srcs
- Logging for scripts tidied.
- Single rt-struct files are deleted before being imported into XNAT.
- ISO Date format plugin included by default.
- XNAT Admin can see delete button in menu and can delete sessions/subjects.
- Clinical trials changed - now you must upload files from project page. Only required_labels and permitted label files required. Clinical trial names extracted from file names. Checked every 5 minutes instead of 10.
- Rt_struct pipeline changed so it does not fail if uploading ROI for Viewer fails.
- On pseundonumised report form - link on SSL was broken. Fixed.
- Automatic Tests - broken for SSL, now uses 'docker exec' to run curl commands.
- Nginx updated to 1.17, new config with trust certificate.
Changes from v2 to v3:
- Pseudonymisation form updated, with 'Required Labels' added. Also Can select which Pseudonymised Project to send.
- Only one remote server by default. You can add additional projects and remote servers after installation.
- OHIF Viewer V2. ROI RTSTRUCT processor rewritten.
- When restarting on Windows, the latest sql database backup file is identified and automatically restored.
- Additional clinical trials and projects added without the need to restart the servers.
- Windows and Linux installation scripts separated into subfolders
- Test data removed automatically on both Windows and Linux
- Import script rewritten - now sorts data, rewrites the dicom header so XNAT can handle RT data better. It can handle sessions in subfolders.
- Dicom headers visible in Pseudonmyised XNAT
- Many bug fixes and improvements, improved performance.