Install Performance Improvements - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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Before installing, there are three settings that can be adjusted to improve the performance, although this increases the resources required. Three relevant files:

  • docker-compose-template.yml
  • /xnat/
  • /postgres/postgresql.conf

Docker-compose-template: This limits the resources available to the containers.

          cpus: '2'
          memory: 2500M

If adjustments are made to the tomcat and postgresqql settings, the resources allocated to each container will need to be changed accordingly.

    export CATALINA_OPTS="${CATALINA_OPTS} -Xms512m -Xmx1536m"
    export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Xms512m -Xmx1536m"

changing -Xmx1536 to -Xmx2560, for example, will increase the memory allocated to tomcat by 1Gb. The corresponding memory limits in the docker-compose-template.yml will need to increase by 1Gb for xnat1 and xnat2.


  shared_buffers = 512MB	 - change to 1024MB
  maintenance_work_mem = 64MB    - change to 128MB

The corresponding memory limits in the docker-compose-template.yml will need to increase from 900/1000M to 1250M for xnat-db1 and xnat-db2.

When DASHER is installed, you can edit the docker-compose.yml file, increasing the cotnainer limits, and run

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