Install Installing the Processing Pipelines - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki
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Log in to the non-anonymised XNAT with the administrator account. The non-anonymised XNAT can be accessed with a web browser at:
- Non-SSL: http://[xnat_host]
- SSL: https://[xnat_host]
- where [xnat_host] is the IP Address/URL specified in the xnat.cfg file.
- E.g.
On some browsers a warning regarding multiple sessions may appear on the top if the browser is on the same computer as the server. This is because the install process creates sessions to set up the server. These sessions will expire after a while and the warnings can be ignored.
Click under Administer -> Pipelines
Click on Add Pipeline to Repository
Add the following Pipelines one by one (ensuring no trailing spaces if copying):
/data/xnat/scripts/pipelines/anonymise.xml /data/xnat/scripts/pipelines/delete_dicom_files.xml
These paths relate to the location of the files within the container, not the paths of the host computer. The Custom Webpage box can be left empty.
- Go to the homepage by clicking the XNAT logo in the top left of the window
- Click on the project named with the hospital code. This takes you to the project page.
- Select the Pipelines Tab.
- Select Add More Pipelines. A list of available pipelines will appear.
- For each pipeline, click on ‘Add’ and a pop-up windows will appear.
- Click on Submit.