Install Editing DASHER Configuration File - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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IMPORTANT: If installing behind a proxy, you will need to add lines of code. Additional instructions can be found here.

You must edit the configuration file found at [install_folder]/DASHER/xnat.cfg

It is strongly advised to work with your IT department when filling in the configuration files as they should be able to best advise you on the settings to use

  • hospital_code= the code for your hospital. This should have been provided to you. (required)
  • xnat_host= URL of local server (DASHER), for example http:// [ip address]. Do not use localhost or 127.0.01. If ssl=true, then the url must start with https://. Only contain the base url and no identifiers - the non-anonymised site is the base url, while the pseudonymised site is https(s)://[url]:[444/8082]/anon (required)
  • xnat_admin_user= Create a username for the XNAT site administrator. Do NOT use the username 'admin'. This is for DASHER, and not related to the remote XNAT server. (required)
  • xnat_admin_pwd= Create a password for the XNAT site administrator (required).
  • xnat_admin_email= Email address of the XNAT admin. XNAT can send notification emails if an email address and smtp email server is provided. Optional – leave as admin@localhost if not using
  • xnat_smtp_server= leave as localhost if no admin email.
  • xnat_user= Create a XNAT username for a standard (non-admin) user. More users can be created once DASHER is built, see here. This is for DASHER, and not related to the remote XNAT server.
  • xnat_pwd= Create password for standard XNAT user (required).
  • psql_pwd= Create password for the Postgresql Database (required).
  • anon_project= The name of the project created in the pseudonymised XNAT, will be synchronised with the remote server (required).
  • remote_xnat= The URL of the remote XNAT server - for example (required)
  • ssl= whether the site uses ssl (true/false). (required) More information on SSL certificates can be found here. If you plan to transfer data remotely, use SSL certificates.
  • ssl_key_file= name of ssl certifcate key file - do not include the path, just the file name (required if ssl=true)
  • ssl_crt_file= name of ssl certificate file name - do not include the path, just the file name (required if ssl=true)
  • ssl_trust_file= name of ssl certificate file name - do not include the path, just the file name (required if ssl=true)
  • ssl_dhparem_file= name of ssl dhparem file name - do not include the path, just the file name (required if ssl=true)
  • storage_path*= This contains all the folders that are shared from the host computer with the Docker Virtual Machines. This includes the DICOM archive, Postgresql database, log files etc. The directory does not need to exist beforehand, however the higher directories do need to exist. (required)
  • Import_data_folder *= Any DICOM data placed here will be automatically imported. (required)

NO spaces before or after the β€˜=’ sign.
You can use relative paths, for example β€œ./storage_folder” and the folder will be created within the current directory.
*WINDOWS: For windows, the paths must be in Windows format – Use β€˜\’, not β€˜/’.

Passwords must not contain special characters.
NOTE - the passwords are deleted from the configuration file during installation (so that they are not left unprotected in a plain text file). Therefore you should use memorable passwords and/or store them in a safe place.

Examples can be found at:

(Optional) If you wish to use a secure connection protocol using https, you will need to provide SSL Certificates:

  • Copy ssl certificates into ./certs, and set ssl=true in the xnat.cfg configuration file. A .crt, .pem and .key file are required. More information on SSL certificates can be found here.


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