Admin Create and Edit Users - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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In XNAT, users can have different roles for different projects, e.g. Owner, Member, and Collaborator. The user's role will determine what actions they can perform for that project.

When DASHER is installed, two different users are created - an administrator account and a standard account.

  • The administrator user has full access to all projects and can also perform various administrator tasks such as creating new users and moving data from the QUARANTINE project into the hospital project.
  • The standard user can view data in the hospital project and can send it for pseudonymisation. They can also view data in the QUARANTINE project, but cannot move it into the hospital project. On the pseudonymised server the standard user can view the RTTQA project and can sync data to the remote server using XNAT.

Note - it is possible to restrict some or all standard users so that they cannot sync data to the remote server. The syncing must then be performed by the administrator user (or one of the standard users who has permission to sync the data). This can be set when new users are created, or it can be edited for any user at a later time, as explained below. It is up to each site to decide on their policy for standard users syncing data.

Creating a new standard user

When you create a new user you will need to create an account for the user on both non-anonymised and pseudonymised servers, as they are separate servers and so do not automatically share accounts. We recommend that a given user uses the same username and password on both servers so they do not need to remember different usernames and passwords for the two servers. The general steps for creating the new user accounts are the same for both servers, but the roles set for the different projects will be different, as described below.

To create a user, first login to one of the servers as the administrator. See Logging in to the Servers if you are not sure how to do this. Then click on Administer/Users and Create New User, and a new window will appear:


Fill in the Username and Password for the new user.

It is also necessary to provide the First Name, Last Name, and Email for the new user. Note, DASHER r will not send out any automated emails unless a SMTP email server is available and specified in the xnat.cfg file during installation (see [Editing the DASHER Configuration File](Install%20Editing%20the%20DASHER%20Configuration File)). However, the email address is still required in case the user needs to be contacted.

The Verified and Enabled checkboxes should both be selected.

Once all the details have been completed click Save. You should now see the new user appear in the table of users. You will now need to set the roles for the new user for each project by following the instructions below.

Setting the roles for a new user

Click on the username and the window will re-appear but with an Edit advanced settings button available. Click on this and the advanced options will appear:


From here, you can add the user to the different projects under the Assign project membership and roles section. The roles to be used for the different projects are:

Non-anonymised XNAT:

  • Hospital Project (UCLH in example above) as a member.
  • QUARANTINE as a collaborator.

Pseudonymised XNAT:

  • RTTQA as a member or owner

Set the user as an owner if you want to ALLOW them to sync data to the remote XNAT server.
Set the user as an member if you want to PREVENT them from syncing data to the remote XNAT server.
It is up to the local site to decide whether standard users can synchronise data out of the hospital.

Once the roles are assigned click on Save then click on Close.

Remember, accounts must be created and the projects and roles set on both the non-anonymised and pseudonymised servers for every new user.

Editing the details and roles of an existing user

It is possible to edit the details and roles of existing users in a similar way to setting the roles for new users above.

First log on as the XNAT administrator, and click on Administer/Users. Then click on the username of the user you wish to edit. A User Properties window will appear. This can be used to edit the details for the user. Once the details have been edited click Save.

Remember to update the details on both the non-anonymised and pseudonymised servers.

On the pseudonymised server you can also edit the users role for the RTTQA project, and hence allow or prevent them from being able to sync data to the remote XNAT server. Click on the username of the user you wish to edit and the click the Edit advanced settings button.

Click on the Edit button next to the RTTQA project in the Assign project membership and roles section.

Set the user as an owner if you want to ALLOW them to sync data to the remote XNAT server.
Set the user as an member if you want to PREVENT them from syncing data to the remote XNAT server.
It is up to the local site to decide whether standard users can synchronise data out of the hospital.

Once the roles are assigned click on Save then click on Close.

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