Admin Adding a Project for a Remote Server - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki
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Additional remote repositories can be added to DASHER. Each remote XNAT repository needs a separate Project in the Pseudonymised XNAT from which to synchronise. User credentials and a destination XNAT project on the remote XNAT repository are required. You must then create a new Project on the Pseudonymised XNAT in order to synchronise data from.
For RTTQA and ARTNET, the remote XNAT projects are named after your hospital code (for example KCL for King's College London). For testing, there is only one destination XNAT server -
In the example below, the Pseudonymised project RTTQA syncrhronises data to a remote XNAT repository managed by RTTQA. The other Pseudonymised ARTNET synchronises to the remote XNAT repsitory managed by ARTNET.
- Log onto the Pseudonymized XNAT.
- from the top menu, click on New/Add Project
- Fill in the project details - further information can be found on the XNAT website. You can ignore keywords, aliases and Investigators etc. Select Protected project, as shown in example:
- When the project has been created, configure XNAT - on the project page, select the Manage tab. A list of new tabs appear - select the XSync tab, as shown below:
If installed behind a proxy server please read these instructions. The following will not work:
- Fill in the remote server details. You should have the details beforehand and the name of the project you are syncing to on the remote XNAT server. In the example below, a project KCL exists on the remote XNAT server Sync setting should be set to On Demand. Select all resources to be be synced. After clicking Submit, a window will appear asking for the credentials of the remote server.
The project will be available in the Pseudonymisation form after a maximum of 10 minutes. If required sooner, on the host server run:
sudo ./Linux/ (Linux) or ./Windows/update_xnat_projects.bat (Windows)