Admin Adding a Project for Local Research - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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The Uploader can be used for pseudonymising and storing data for local research as well as uploading it to a remote repository. It is possible to export any of the pseudonymised data from DASHER (see Exporting Data from DASHER for instructions), including data stored in a project linked to a remote repository, e.g. the project created during installation. However, data in a project that is linked to a remote repository will be uploaded to that repository whenever a Sync is performed. If the data is only intended for local research and should not be sent to any remote repository then a separate project must be created on the pseudonymised server to store data for local research.

Note - it is possible to create more than one project for local research, e.g. corresponding to different research projects - just follow the instructions below for each project, giving each of them a different name.

Creating a New Project

Login to the pseudonymised server as the administrator. See Logging in to the Servers if you are not sure how to do this.

From the menu at the top of the page click on New/Project. This will open the New Project form.


In Step 1: Enter project details fill in the Project Title, Running Title, and Project ID. The other boxes can be left empty (for further information see the XNAT website).

In Step 2: Define Project Accessibility select Protected as shown above.

Click Create Project

The project has now been created and will be available in the Pseudonymisation form within 10 minutes. If it is required sooner, run:


              sudo [install_folder]/uploader/Linux/ 

or (Windows)

              cd c:\[install_folder]\uploader\Windows

This will allow you to select the LOCAL target project during pseudonymisation. Note that all pseudonymisation methods are available for all projects of the pseudonymised XNAT.

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