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Some medical images can have patient identifiable information burnt into them. This information cannot be removed by the pseudonymisation methods implemented in DASHER, since these only pseudonymise the header information and not the actual pixel/voxel values in the images. Therefore, if such data is used with DASHER it is imperative that it is pre-processed to remove any burnt in patient information before it is sent to DASHER. To help ensure that any data that may contain burnt in information does not accidentally get sent to the remote server, DASHER implements a Quarantine Protocol. This can be used to send images from unknown modalities or specific scanner models to the QUARANTINE project rather than the hospital project when they are imported. Only the administrator user can move the images out of the QUARANTINE project and into the hospital project.
See Setting Quarantine Protocol for details of how to set the protocol that defines which data gets sent to the QUARANTINE project.
Moving data out of the QUARANTINE project
If a case ends up in the QUARANTINE project it can be moved to the hospital project. This should only be done, after confirming that no patient identifiable data is burnt into the image data.
Login to the non-anonymised XNAT with an administrator account and navigate within the QUARANTINE project to the subject and session that you would like to move to the hospital project. On the right-hand side select Edit.
After clicking on Edit, a modification form will open as shown below.
Click on the small pencil icon next to Project QUARANTINE which will bring up a dialogue box. Within this dialogue box select the project you would like this session to be moved to and confirm your choice.
A warning messages will appear. Confirm these if you are happy to proceed.
To complete the process you need to click Submit at the bottom of the modification form. This will -- after a few seconds -- get you back to the session page. Note however that this session is now in the selected project. Note, if a session with the same label already exists in the hospital project, an error will be returned.
General remarks
- Moving data can only be initiated on a session level. Moving subjects between projects is not possible.
- While the session and the data contained within can be moved by the method described above, to keep a permanent record the patient will still be listed in the QUARANTINE project.