Using only 1 serial port - K7MDL2/KEITHSDR GitHub Wiki

The default config relies on 2 USB serial ports and 1 USB audio port. A custom USB_Type is required. That is achieved by modifying usb_desc.h in TeensyDuino cores folder and adding this new USB type to the Arduino list of USB Types contained in boards.txt and/or board.txt.local. The local file adds onto the stock boards file. A bug in VS Code does not read the local file so you must instead modify the main boards.txt file (if using VS Code). Having 2 serial ports enables Debug, CAT control and USB Audio. Normally you modify the usb_desc .h file per another WIKI page here.

It is possible to use a single serial port and use the standard Serial+Audio+MIDI USB Type. If you do not use CAT control this is a good option. You cannot use CAT and Debug at the same time on the same port.

To configure the SDR to work with a single serial port and keep USB audio you need to set a few things in RadioConfig.h.

2 serial ports are used by default to enable CAT control on 1, Debug on the other. If you do not need CAT control then no matter.

Turning off USE_CAT_SER should turn off CAT control messages and let debug continue on a single serial port.

//#define USE_CAT_SER         // Use CAT port for Non-RSHFIQ hardware
                             // If USE_RS_HFIQ set then the CAT port is always enabled (for now)

If you want CAT control then you have to turn off all Debug output.

Enabling ALT_CAT_PORT is where to start. Probably have to also set USE_CAT_SER for this.

//#define ALT_CAT_PORT        // Turn on to force the CAT comms to use the same port as Debug for single USB serial port configurations
                        // This allows operation with standard Serial+MIDI+Audio USB type though the 48KHz USB audio will not work right.
                        // APPLIES to all CAT comms regardless of RF hardware

Then turn off Debug. There are a couple spots to hit. The main one is:

#define DEBUG 

at the start of SDR_RA8875.h. Comment that out. The CAT related code files have their own DBG settings and are normally disabled.

Using only 1 serial port allows you to avoid modifying usb_desc.h and use a standard Serial+Audio+MIDI USB Type.