RS HFIQ Support - K7MDL2/KEITHSDR GitHub Wiki

Several mentions have been made on other pages about what is needed, or, more often, not needed, to use a RS-HFIQ SDR with this Teensy SDR project. This is the quickest and easiest way to a 5W Teensy based SDR transceiver.

The RS-HFIQ is a prebuilt single board SDR with audio in and out (I and Q on each) and a USB2 connection. The Teensy 4 has a USB2 host port which I have leveraged to control the RS-HFIQ.

The only hardware needed are:

  1. RS-HFIQ
  2. RA8875 or RA8876 touchscreen display
  3. Teensy 4 (4.1 recommended)
  4. USB2.0 host port connector for the Teensy 4.1
  5. SGTL5000 audio card from PJRC.
  6. Recommended: Open-source Teensy 4.1 PCB motherboard that breaks out various connections for encoders, fits on the back of a RA887x display. As of April 2022, 2 sizes have been produces, a compact one that is supported by the 2x20 pin display connector, and the larger board that bolts to the back of a 4.3" RA8875 display. See the KeithsSDR forum for more info and how to get one (or get the files to have them made for you).

No PLLs, filters boards and their related libraries are needed.

You will need my Teensy RS-HFIQ USB Host port Library found at

Refer to the Libraries WIKI page for the rest of the libraries needed.