4.Concept generation and product architecture - K-Division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

Assigning weights to the objectives

objectives weights
Ease of use 10
Ease of portability 9
Indicating machine On/Off 8
Works 24/7 7
Semi automatic 6
Safety 5
Cost 4
Aesthetically pleasing 3

Pugh chart

design objectives Weights Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
Ease of use 10 0 + DATUM +
Ease of portability 9 0 -- DATUM --
Indicating machine On/Off 8 0 - DATUM -
Works 24/7 7 0 0 DATUM 0
Semi automatic 6 0 0 DATUM 0
Safety 5 0 - DATUM -
Cost 4 - 0 DATUM -
Aesthetically pleasing 3 0 + DATUM +
Score(+) 0 13 DATUM 13
Score(-) 4 31 DATUM 35
Total -4 -18 DATUM -22

5.1 Justification for scores given

Design no Objective Score allocated Justification for the score
01 Ease of use 0 It is easy to use just as the datum
Ease of portability 0 It is easily portable because of compact size like the datum
Indicating machine On/Off 0 It has indicator similar to datum
Works 24/7 0 It can work for 24 hours
Semi automatic 0 It is semi-automatic since paper has to be put as input from user
Safety 0 It is safe to use just like the datum
Cost - It is little costlier than datum
Aesthetically pleasing 0 It is aesthetic like the datum
02 Ease of use + It is easier to use compared to the datum
Ease of portability -- It is not easily portable because of it's bigger size
Indicating machine On/Off - It does not have indicator
Works 24/7 0 It can work for 24 hours
Semi automatic 0 It is semi-automatic since paper has to be put as input from user
Safety - It is less safer to use because of it's open design
Cost 0 It costs same as the datum
Aesthetically pleasing + It is aesthetically pleasing
04 Ease of use + It is easier to use compared to the datum
Ease of portability -- It is not easily portable because of it's bigger size
Indicating machine On/Off - It does not have indicator
Works 24/7 0 It can work for 24 hours
Semi automatic 0 It is semi-automatic since paper has to be put as input from user
Safety - It is less safer to use because of it's open design
Cost - It is costlier than the datum
Aesthetically pleasing + It is aesthetically pleasing

5.2 Selected design

5.3 Function clustering

5.4 Interaction between subsystems

Subsystem 1 = Paper handling unit

Subsystem 2 = Glue handling unit

Subsystem 3 = Indicating unit

Paper handling unit Glue handling unit Indicating unit
Spatial NO NO
Material NO NO
Glue handling unit Paper handling unit Indicating unit
Spatial NO YES
Material NO NO
Indicating unit Glue handling unit Paper handling unit
Spatial YES NO
Data NO NO
Material NO NO