3.Conceptual design - K-Division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

4.1 Establishing Functions

S no Functions from user perspective Functions from designer perspective
1 Turn on/off Provide switch to turn on/off the machine
2 Keep the paper in machine Sense the paper
3 Apply glue to paper Provide mechanism to apply glue to paper
4 Indication after process completion Indicate after the process is completed
5 Machine should be in its original condition after process completion Glue stick returns to initial position

4.2 Function tree

4.3 Morphological chart

S no Subfunctions Means 1 Means 2 Means 3 Means 4
01 Sense paper IR sensor Ultrasonic sensor Proximity sensor Optical sensor
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02 Applying glue Crank slider CAM mechanism Pulley and belts mechanism Slider mechanism
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03 Indicate machine on/off LED indicator Beep/buzzer LCD Screen
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04 Indicate process completion LED indicator Beep/buzzer LCD Screen
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05 Refilling glue Replacing glue stick Injecting glue directly
06 Casing Foam sheet Wood Acrylic sheet

Concept Designs

Design 3:By Gokul

Design 2:By Shrinidhi

Design 1:By Parveen

Design 4:By Satwik