2.Problem definition. - K-Division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

Need statement An office is planning to make automatic stationary tools for frequently used items like glue sticks to save the time of employees working there and also to reduce the chances of spreading of glue here and there.

S no Questions Answers Objective/ Function/ Constraint
1 What are your expectations about the product? It should be easy to use Objective
2 Who is your target audience? Office staff Objective
3 What height of product are you expecting? lesser than 50cm Constraint
4 How much are you willing to spend on this product? 2000 rupees Constraint
5 When should the product be ready? before 2 months Constraint
6 Do you want any indication about machine on and off? Yes Objective
7 Will it run on battery or power supply? Power supply Objective
8 How should the appearance be? aesthetically pleasing Objective
9 What should be the maximum weight of the product? under 2kg Constraint
10 What should be the main work of machine? It should apply glue on papers Function
11 Do you want semi-automatic or fully automatic machine? semi-automatic Objective
12 Should it work 24/7? Yes Objective
13 Should it be portable? Yes Objective
14 How much time should it take to apply glue? 5 seconds Constraint
15 What should the machine do after applying glue? It should alert the user Function
16 Should the machine be safe to use? Yes Objective

1.2 Basic Survey and requirement

S no Observation from survey Requirement
01 Weight of machine It should be easy to carry and portable
02 Cost Machine should be of low budget
03 Materials to be used Light weight materials weighing overall less than a kilogram

1.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

S no Objectives
1 It should be easy and safe to use
2 It should show indication about machine on and off
3 It must run on power supply
4 It should be aesthetically pleasing
5 It must be semi-automatic
6 It is for office staff
7 It should work 24/7
8 It should be portable

Problem Definition 1.1

Design a semi automatic machine which is easy and safe to use, portable and aesthetically pleasing. It must be useful for office staff and must work 24/7 . It should run on power supply and must indicate machine on and off.

Identify constraints

S no Constraints
1 Height must be lesser than 50cm
2 Must cost lesser than 2000 rupees
3 Machine should be ready before 2 months
4 Maximum weight of the product must be under 2 kgs
5 It should apply glue within 5 seconds

Problem definition 1.2

Design a semi automatic machine which is easy and safe to use, portable and aesthetically pleasing. It must be useful for office staff and must work 24/7 . It should run on power supply and must indicate machine on and off. The machine should apply glue within 5 seconds. It must be lesser than 50 centimeters in height, must weigh under 2 kilograms and must cost lesser than 2000 rupees. It should be delivered within 2 months.

Establish Functions

S no Functions
1 Turn on/off the machine
2 Apply glue to paper
3 Alert user after applying glue

Problem definition 1.3

Design a semi automatic machine which is easy and safe to use, portable and aesthetically pleasing. It must be useful for office staff and must work 24/7 . It should run on power supply and must indicate machine on and off. The machine should apply glue within 5 seconds. It must be lesser than 50 centimeters in height, must weigh under 2 kilograms and must cost lesser than 2000 rupees. It should be delivered within 2 months. The machine should turn on/off. It should apply glue to papers and alert user after applying glue.