2.PROBLEM DEFINATION - K-Division-2020-21-Even/Repo-08 GitHub Wiki

2. Problem Definition

Need Statement:

The objective is to build a clock that transforms itself into another or change its shape to another form

2.1 Question And Answers

Sl.no Questions Answer Objective/Function/Constraint
1. Should the machine be automatic or manual Automatic Objective
2. Machine should be fixed or portable The machine can be portable Objective
3. What should be the maximum weight of machine Around 800-1000grams Constraint
4. What should be the size of the machine 18inches Constraint
5. Should the machine be user friendly? Yes Objective
6. What other features are expected Changes its shapes with respect to time Function
7. How many machine can cost? Try to make it within 4000 Constraint
8. Deadline to the project 90 days Constraint
9. The model should be a decorative shape shifting model yes Constraint
10. What is the purpose? A decorative model Objective
13. Any specific elements required to be added? It can be Simple,minimalist,creative,and should be a new and creative idea Function
14. Any additional features? It should be a kinetic model Function
15. Speed should be constant Yes Function

2.2 Basic Survey and requirements_

Table 2 : Observation for a literature survey

Sl.no Oservation from Surveys Requirements
1. Weight of Machine It should be easy to carry and transportable
2. Cost The machine must be cost-efficient
3. Material to Build Material must be non-toxic/light weighted
4. No of shapes Max 2 Shapes
5. Durability Long lasting

2.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

Table 3: Objectives identified

Sl.No Objectives
1 Machine should be automatic
2 Machine should be portable
3 Machine should be user friendly
4 Machine should be reliable
5 Serve as a Decorative model

Problem definition version 2.1:-

Design a shape changing clock, which is able to accurately change shapes with respect to time, and should be user friendly. The machine should be portable & should be reliable.

2.4 Identify constraints

Sl.No Constraints
1 The size of the machine should not be more than 18inches
2 Cost of the machine should be built with budget of 4000/-
3 The weight of the model should be 0.5-1 kilograms
4 The model should be completed within 90 days

Problem definition version 2.2

Designing a clock that changes its shape along with displaying the time which is about 18 inches and weighs around 800-1000 grams and the budget at which this project should be completed is Rs.4000

2.5 Establish function

Sl.No Functions
1 Display the time
2 Change its shape with respect to time
3 Shape changes automatically
4 Speed should be constant
5 Movement of clock

Problem definition version 2.3

Design a clock that serves as attractive object placed on a wall which should be safe and automatic. It should be portable, should be user friendly. The size of the model should be of 18 inches, and should be completed within 90days, budget of model should be within Rs.4000 which accepts User Input, allow Selection of Pattern from lost and allow to Select the Shape and Speed.