Feb 13, 2014 Sprint Meeting - Jwashton/Peppermint GitHub Wiki
- Review
- Decide on tasks due for the next milestone
- Decide on tasks for the next sprint
- Accept Tournaments as a new stretch goal
Milestone Goals
- Working Activity and User pages
- Working Friend System
- Plugin Detection
- Have an internal list of safe games to ship with
Sprint Goals
- Finish the design of the Activity Page, User Page, and the Promotion Page
- Research Tests for the controllers
- Have a working Login/Logout/Registration system
Decide on a friend management system- Design Friend Schema
Friend System
Friends will be stored in user groups, of which there will be some automatically crafted, and some will be user created.
Information in the Activity Feed
- Highscores of game_types you play
- Games your friends are playing if they are
- Publicly visible
- Recently started/finished
- Invitations (probably will also be located separately so that you can see all invitations)
- Your History
- Discussion
- Tournament Info