Legal - JustDJplease/NatureSounds GitHub Wiki


This concerns the NatureSounds plugin by TheBlockBender / JustDJplease.

Found a bug? Asking for support? You can create an issue here or contact me!

Information for the buyer / viewer of this repository:

You are allowed to:

  • Modify this code, and use it for personal projects. (Private servers, small networks)
  • Take ideas and / or formats of this plugin and use it for personal projects. (Private servers, small networks)

You are NOT allowed to:

  • Resell the original plugin or a modification of it.
  • Claim this plugin as your own.
  • Distribute the source-code or a modification of it without prior consent of the original author.

Information for the buyer / guardian:

  • Make sure you have your parents / guardians permission before you buy!
  • In general, refunds are not allowed. However, I can make an exception to this if you contact me prior to refunding. If your son / daughter bought this plugin without your permission, please contact me. (Contact me)
  • I am under no obligation to provide support and I will do so at my own discretion.
  • I am under no obligation to keep maintaining this plugin.
  • I am free to change the price of this resource, without notification.
  • I am allowed to change these terms at any moment, without notification.

Information for fellow developers:

Want to use part of my plugin, contribute to the resource or do you simply have questions? contact me.