2. Configuration - JustDJplease/NatureSounds GitHub Wiki
Whilst making this plugin, I tried to make it as configurable as possible. Most messages are translatable and you can easily add your own sounds.
After loading this plugin for the first time:
A few files and folders will appear in the plugins/NatureSounds
Sounds folder. This will contain all your sound-configurations. -
Behind the scenes folder. This should be left untouched. -
Main configuration file. -
Messages configuration file.
# General Configuration file for NatureSounds plugin.
# Changes is this file are only applied on a complete server restart!
# The amount of seconds between so called 'sound checks'.
# Default value is 4 (seconds). This means that every 4 seconds, we'll go over all players and check if they should hear any sounds.
# If you LOWER this value: More server impact, and players might hear sounds to frequently.
# If you HIGHER this value: Less server impact, but players might hear less sounds.
interval: 4
# A free port on your hosting machine. This works very similar to services like Dynmap.
# It allows the server to host its own resource pack. The plugin will not work if this port is claimed already.
# Default value is 8080. Typically, you want to use a value between 8000 and 9000.
port: 8080
# Debugging output is disabled by default, as it might lead to unwanted spam in the console.
# There is no need to enable this, unless you're struggling to get the plugin to work and need help.
# If you send me a PM on the Spigot Forums, I will often ask you to enable this.
debug: false
# Do not edit:
file-version: 1
Highlighting a few options:
: Allows you to control how fast this plugin runs & sends sounds to players. -
: A free port on your hosting machine.
The latest version of this file can be found here config.yml.)
# Language Configuration file for NatureSounds plugin.
# You can use '&' for regular color codes in every message.
# Additionally, <error> <argument> <primary> & <secondary> are replaced with the following color codes:
error: "&c"
error-word: "RED"
argument: "&e"
argument-word: "YELLOW"
primary: "&7"
primary-word: "GRAY"
secondary: "&6"
secondary-word: "GOLD"
# {0}, {1}, {2}, etc... are placeholders. Their values can be guessed from the context they are in.
# Changes in this file can be applied immediately using '/nature reload language'.
prefix: "<argument>\u00BB <primary>"
header: "<argument><bold>*<primary>&m------------------------------------------------<argument><bold>*"
loaded: "Successfully loaded the resource-pack."
rejected: "You have rejected the resource-pack. You will therefore not hear any nature ambiance whilst roaming the world."
downloading: "Loading the resource-pack... This might take a moment."
already-accepted: "You installed the resource-pack already. If you want to un-equip it, rejoin the server."
reloading: "Reloading <argument>{0}<primary>..."
reloaded: "Successfully reloaded <argument>{0}<primary>!"
generating: "Generating a new resource-pack..."
generated: "Successfully generated a resource-pack!"
send-pack-again: "Your players will need to rejoin the server to receive the updated pack!"
playing-sound: "<primary>Playing sound <argument>{0}<primary>."
click-to-play: "Click this message to play this sound"
generating-file: "<primary>Generating the file <argument>{0}<primary> in the folder <argument>plugins/NatureSounds/sounds<primary>..."
generated-file: "<primary>Generated the file <argument>{0}<primary>."
can-send-question: "<primary>Can we send you a resource-pack?"
what-does-it-do: "<primary>It will allow you to hear various nature sounds!"
yes-go-ahead: "Yes, go ahead!"
click-to-accept: "Click this message to accept the resource-pack"
no-thanks: "No, thanks!"
click-to-reject: "Click this message to reject the resource-pack"
horrible-error: "<error>Error: Aww snap! Something serious broke. Better check the console for details."
no-reload-type: "<error>Error: Choose what to reload: <argument>Language<error>, <argument>Sounds<error> or <argument>Resource-pack<error>."
no-number: "<error>Error: <argument>{0}<error> is not a number."
no-filename: "<error>Error: No filename specified."
file-not-found: "<error>Error: Could not find the file <argument>{0}<error>."
file-name-taken: "<error>Error: The file name <argument>{0}<error> is already taken."
file-already-exists: "<error>Error: This file already exists."
# Do not edit:
file-version: 1
Highlighting a few options:
: Some messages automatically add a prefix in front of them. -
: This colour-code will replace all<error>
tags in the remaining messages. Keep in mind, the remaining messages themselves may also contain '&' for colour codes. -
: A list of all colours can be found here.
The latest version of this file can be found here language.yml.)
Please view a detailed guide on this page.