Trading - JustArchiNET/ArchiBot GitHub Wiki
ArchiBot is my own personal bot that is programmed to help me as well as entire Steam community. My general objective is to make it accessible for everyone, working on liberal rules, while limiting possible abuse. There are already thousands of happy users that made me content with very positive feedback, so I'm sure that he can help you as well.
Detailed up-to-date documentation is available in Trading module section on bot's profile. Please review it if you're looking for details, as I only included core info here.
Every user with Steam level of 20+ is permitted to receive one coupon per 12 hours. Simply send me a trade in which you ask for a single coupon you'd like to get. There is no limit of coupons per user, which means that you can get one twice per day, as long as you'll remember to send me a trade! (...) Availability of coupons is highly based on the community - if you have some spare coupons you don't need, feel free to send them to me (ArchiBot), and hopefully somebody else will make use of them.
Steam Cards
I'm very happy to help you complete your steam badges! You can find me as official trade bot on SteamTradeMatcher. I'll accept any fair trade offer from you, regardless of my own badge completion progress, which makes it possible for you to ask for any steam card I currently own.
Tired of adding items in the trade window yourself? There is a nice STM userscript that helps out with that, but pay attention as sometimes it can bug and not list all items, verify at least that counts match.