Poker - JustArchiNET/ArchiBot GitHub Wiki


Poker module is a chat game that can be started by any user using poker command. During the next 30 seconds, all interested people can join using join command. The game starts if at least one player (apart from the host) has joined it during that period.


The game is based on The Witcher's Dice poker, with required improvements to turn it into a chat game.

At the start, every player rolls 5 dice, using r command. Afterwards, the player can decide which dice he wants to roll/keep, using r <dice> and k <dice> commands, respectively. Both actions are the opposite of each other, which means that r 2 3 is the same as k 1 4 5. The player can also decide to keep/reroll all the dice, through k and r command (without arguments), they'll act the same as calling k 1 2 3 4 5 and r 1 2 3 4 5, respectively.

The objective of the game is to obtain the strongest possible combination of dice. Starting from the weakest to the strongest, those are:

  • None, five mismatched dice forming no sequence longer than four.
  • Pair, two dice showing the same value.
  • TwoPairs, two pairs of dice, each showing the same value.
  • ThreeOfAKind, three dice showing the same value.
  • FiveHighStraight, dice showing values from 1 through 5, inclusive.
  • SixHighStraight, dice showing values from 2 through 6, inclusive.
  • FullHouse, Pair of one value and ThreeOfAKind of another.
  • FourOfAKind, four dice showing the same value.
  • FiveOfAKind, all five dice showing the same value.

In addition to that, each combination has additional power, which is based on the value of matching dice. The power of the combination is taken into account when comparing the same combination across different players, and is defined as a sum of matching dice that take part in the combination. For example, FiveOfAKind of 6s is the strongest FiveOfAKind combination (5 × 6 = 30), while FiveOfAKind of 1s is the weakest one (5 × 1 = 5), but still stronger than any other combination.


After the end of the round, which happens once all the players get a chance to reroll dice of their choice, the weakest player is eliminated. The weakest player is defined as a player who ends up with the weakest combination, or, in case of a tie, the weakest combination and the weakest power across combinations of the same type. After the elimination takes place, the game continues from the beginning until there is only one player left.

In the very unlikely case when 2 or more players get exactly the same (weakest) combination and power, ArchiBot will choose the player to be eliminated from them at random.


Each player is given standard 30 seconds for reaction. If player doesn't make one during that period, ArchiBot will decide in the name of the player, aiming for the optimal decision given the circumstances (both internal, such as rolled dice, as well as external, such as rolls made by other players).

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