Duels - JustArchiNET/ArchiBot GitHub Wiki
Dirty, outdated and unfinished
Users participating in the duel will receive a random character. Every character has 4 stats:
Life | Attack | Defense | Evade
♥ Life is the number of health points a character has. If it reaches 0 or lower, the character dies and looses the duel. ♦ Attack is the character's base damage when attacking. ♣ Defense is the character's base defense when defending. ♠ Evade is the character's base evade when evading.
When attacking, defending or evading, the player will have to roll a dice by typing !r. The result shall be added to respectively Attack, Defense or Evade.
The attacked player must choose between defending and evading, by typing respectively !d and !e. Here lies the difference between the two: • If the attack is higher than the defense, the attacked will receive <attack - defense> damage. If the defense is equal to or higher than the attack, the attacked will receive 1 damage. • If the attack is higher than or equal to the evade, the attacked will receive full attack damage. If the evade is higher than the attack, the attacked will receive 0 damage.
You may use !run to flee from a battle at any moment. This will count as a defeat.