Commands - JustArchiNET/ArchiBot GitHub Wiki


The commands below need to be updated for latest features and changes, TODO.


Command Description Restrictions
!9ball [question] Need help with a decision? Ask the all-knowing ❾.
!accept Accepts a challenge to a duel or poker game.
!addlicense [subID] Similar to the ASF command, it adds the subID to ArchiBoT. Archi only.
!addme Makes ArchiBoT send you a friend invite so you can use certain commands that requires you to be on Bot's friendlist. Automatically performs !makeroom if necessary.
!ai [message] Have a chat with ArchiBoT. Some commands trigger specific responses.
!aigit Loads newest !ai commands into ArchiBoT's brain. AiMaster+
!ascii [message] Turns your message into ASCII. Mod+ unless used in private
!botgit Loads newest code changes into ArchiBoT's brain. Archi only
!card [cardNumber] selecting a card when they were enabled for a !duel.
!chatban [steamName] Bans a user from the relay (!chat).
!cg or !chatgiveaway Makes a giveaway for a chat. for further information check the wiki page:
!chat [chatID] Workaround for the lack of group chats on mobile. Requires you to be friends with ArchiBoT and him being in said chat. Must be sent to ArchiBoT in private, he will send you the messages from the chat and your messages to the chat.
!chatinfo Shows information about the chat like chatID, groupID and your steamID.
!chatusers Shows users that are using the relay (!chat).
!coin Flips a coin.
!convert [value] [sourceCurrency] [targetCurrency] Converts currency. Value requres decimals having a "." instead of a ",". SourceCurrency and targetCurrency must be the 3-lettered currency code like EUR or USD.
!date <city> or !time <city> or !now <city> Shows the date and time in the input location. Used with no argument it will try getting the location set on the user's Steam profile
!debug <whateverArchiAddedHere> Archi's debug tool. Archi only
!define [term] Defines a term using UrbanDictionary.
!duel [steamName] Challenges another user in chat to a GAME OF DICE duel in 100% Orange Juice style.
!duelchars Shows all possible characters that can be used in !duel.
!emoticons Shows all emoticons owned by ArchiBoT. WARNING: SPAM, WILL BREAK CHAT.
!exit Archi's command when fixing ArchiBoT. Archi only
!feed [steamKey] Feeds ArchiBoT a steam key and makes him fat.
!git Pulls the latest changes from the website's repository Admin only
!inv or !invite Sent privately to ArchiBot to request an invite to the Touhou Giveaways chat
!leave Makes ArchiBoT leave the chat.
!lock Locks chat to members only. Requires ArchiBoT to be a mod+. Mod+
!loot Similar to the ASF command, loots ArchiBoT. Archi only
!love [message] Performs a "love-test" between the command issuer and inputted message.
!makeroom <number?> Kicks a few unfortunate souls from ArchiBot's friendlist.
!newtheme [themeName] Adds a new theme to the theme pool for the radio. Mod+
!nsfw [tag1 tag2 ...] Searches ibsearch for naughty pictures based on tags.
!playgame [nameForNonSteam/appID] Makes ArchiBot "play" a given game. Mod+
!poker [steamName] Challenges a user to a GAME OF DICE a dice poker game.
!restart Reboots ArchiBoT. Archi only
!roll <numberOfDice> Rolls a given number of dice. Might break chat (the max number is 255, I tested it).
!roulette Play russian roulette with Bot. Requires Bot to be mod+, doesn't work on equal or higher ranks.
!rps Rock Paper Scissors
!run "Declines" a challenge to !duel or !poker
!say [message] Makes ArchiBoT say a message
!sayto [moreArchiMagic] ??? Archi only
!sfw [tag1 tag2 ...] searches ibsearch for not-so-naughty pictures based on tags.
!tags [tag] Searches for tags related to given tag.
!train [giveawayID]
!traind [giveawayID?]
!translate <message> Translates message into English. Without argument it translate the previous chat message,
!unlock Reverses !lock
!version Shows current ArchiBoT version
!weather <location> Shows weather on given location. If the location is set on the steam profile, ArchiBoT can read that and doesn't require an argument, except some cases (bloody umlauts).

Touhou Giveaways

Command Description Restrictions
!2hu <steamName/steamID>
!2huafk <steamName>
!2huannounce [announcement]
!2huawesome [steamID]
!2hubug [steamID]
!2huevent [steamID]
!2hufuckup [giveawayID]
!2hugib [appID/subID]
!2huinvite [steamID]
!2hukick [steamID] [reasonForKick]
!2humusic [steamID]
!2huoj [steamID]
!2husuggestion [steamID]
!2hutalisman [steamID]
!creategib [arg1] [arg2] [string]
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