Main - Juriy/gameai GitHub Wiki

This project is an attempt to build the AI framework to use in Game Development.

The framework has 3 parts:

  • UI: tools and functions to draw a world and visualize different aspects of AI
  • Math: the implementation of generic algorithms that do not relate to AI. For example, line intersection, point in polygon, line of sight, etc. I also plan to implement few more complex ones: Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi Diagrams, Convex Hull, Center of Mass etc.
  • AI: the AI techniques build on top of other two algorithms. Right now we have a A* pathfinding, few behaviors (move to, look at, etc)

== Plan ==

  • The graph editor (moving nodes, selecting nodes, connecting nodes)
  • The navmesh implementation
  • The behavior tree implementation
  • visual designer for a behavior tree?