OSC Two Way API Documentation - JupiterBroadcasting/CasterSoundboard GitHub Wiki
The following is a list of open sound control messages that an OSC client can send to manipulate the soundboard into doing various things. Also, a list of open sound control messages sent by CasterSoundboard to the update OSC client's user interface.
:= Name of player on the currently selected and active soundboard tab. - Inbound := Any OSC commands sent TO CasterSoundboard FROM an OSC client.
- Outbound := Any OSC commands sent FROM CasterSoundboard TO an OSC client.
- All possible
names are:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I
A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K
Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | ,
Kill all soundboards (stop all sounds).
VALUE (int)
Toggle audio ducking.
VALUE (int)
<0 or 1>
Switch to next tab.
VALUE (int)
Switch to previous tab.
VALUE (int)
Make CasterSoundboard update/refresh the OSC client's user interface.
VALUE (int)
Change volume.
VALUE (float)
<0.0 through 1.0>
Change track position (percentage based).
VALUE (float)
<0.0 through 1.0>
Toggle between stopping and playing a sound clip from it's cued start time.
VALUE (int)
Toggle between pausing and playing a sound clip from where you left off. Track will start from cued start time if playing for the first time and after a clip has reached it's cued stop time.
VALUE (int)
Toggle looping a sound.
VALUE (int)
<0 or 1>
Updates OSC client user interface component that toggles audio ducking.
VALUE (int)
<0 or 1>
Updates OSC client user interface component that displays the current tab name.
VALUE (string)
Updates OSC client user interface component that changes volume.
VALUE (float)
<0.0 through 1.0>
Updates OSC client user interface component that changes the track position (percentage based).
VALUE (float)
<0.0 through 1.0>
Updates OSC client user interface component that toggles looping a sound.
VALUE (int)
<0 or 1>
Updates OSC client user interface component that displays the sound clip's track name.
VALUE (string)
Updates OSC client user interface component that displays the sound clip's track position and time remaining. Time format is in minutes and seconds.
VALUE (string)
Updates OSC client user interface component that displays the player's current play state (playing, paused, or stopped).
VALUE (string)
<"Playing" or "Paused" or "Stopped">