OSC One Way API Documentation - JupiterBroadcasting/CasterSoundboard GitHub Wiki
The following is a list of open sound control messages that an OSC client can send to manipulate the soundboard into doing various things.
:= Name of a particular soundboard tab open in CasterSoundboard.
:= Name of player on a particularly selected soundboard tab.
- All possible
names are:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Q | W | E | R | T | Y | U | I
A | S | D | F | G | H | J | K
Z | X | C | V | B | N | M | ,
- Tab names
can have almost any character in them, even spaces, but you should avoid using "/
" forward slashes since that character is reserved for the OSC message specification. - Please be aware if CasterSoundboard has more than one tab with the same name open, the API will simply target the first tab from left to right with that name and ignore the others. (This behavior may change in the future).
Kill all soundboards (stop all sounds).
VALUE (int)
Toggle audio ducking.
VALUE (int)
<0 or 1>
Change volume.
VALUE (float)
<0.0 through 1.0>
Change track position (percentage based).
VALUE (float)
<0.0 through 1.0>
Play a sound from the beginning.
VALUE (int)
VALUE (int)
Play a sound from where you paused.
VALUE (int)
Stop a sound.
VALUE (int)
Toggle looping a sound.
VALUE (int)
<0 or 1>