[EN] Variable Wheels - JuniorDjjr/VehFuncs GitHub Wiki

Wheel control variation


Before proceeding, be sure to read the Introduction.

Originally it is impossible to make the game wheels vary. VehFuncs solves this.
You also have the possibility to use different wheels on each side, in an easier way.

How to use

The operation is similar to what the game does with the wheel inside wheel_rf_dummy, that is, copying the wheel model to the other dummies. But with VehFuncs you have the option to put a f_extras as wheel, so the wheel can vary using the Recursive Extras.

f_wheel_**** is a dummy that indicates a wheel to be copied. In **** you tell which are the destination wheels, clockwise.
That is, f_wheel_1111 will copy the contents (childs) to all four wheels; f_wheel_0110 copy only to the back.

It isn't mandatory to use f_extras inside f_wheel, if you only want different wheels in back and front (without using random variations), just put the model of the front wheel inside f_wheel_1001 and the back ones inside f_wheel_0110. Something like this:

Generally in trucks you have 6 wheels, so, you can add two numbers for the additional back right and left wheels. For example f_wheel_011011 will copy to all back wheels. Also works on non-trucks.

Important note:

The f_wheel can be positioned on literally any place of the dff, all the mod will do is copy the contents of the f_wheel to the dummies wheel_**_dummy, so the position of f_wheel doesn't matter, but usually the pivot of content (child) should be in the center of the f_wheel (use Reset to Parent with Offset on ZModeler).
Any mesh on f_wheel will be deleted, only the childs will be copied.