[EN] Introduction - JuniorDjjr/VehFuncs GitHub Wiki


VehFuncs is a mod for GTA San Andreas with the aim of adding more functionality to the game vehicles, thus enabling the modeler to do things that were not possible before.

How to adapt

You can use any software that create vehicles to GTA SA, as 3DS Max and ZModeler. Follow the tutorials list at Home.



Simply an item of the hierarchy within the template.

hierarchy (parent, child, brother etc)

The list of nodes is generally categorized as a family hierarchy, thus facilitating our communication. See:


An empty node. Dummy is a pseudo, a simulated, a false node used to indicate a position / rotation or other information. In ZModeler generally a dummy is created by a copy of an existing dummy, thus facilitating in positioning and rotation.

Important informations

  • Various functions are applied directly to the node name (e.g. Characteristics), keep in mind that GTA SA supports nodes with names of up to only 23 letters! Beware leaving nodes with very long names will cause crash.

  • It's important to note that almost all the original nodes can't have the name changed, for example it's wrong to change the name of the node chassis, bump_front_dummy etc.

  • Inside dummies like bump_front_dummy avoid to add nodes with name started with bump; as so inside door_lf_dummy avoid to use started with door etc, because the meshes will be copied to the dummy. That is, is a node is inside a _dummy along with damage parts, avoid using a name started equal to the dummy name — this only applies to this case. If you do this, the VehFuncs will not find the part.

  • When you publish a vehicle mod that requires VehFuncs, don't add VehFuncs files on your download, instead this, add this download link. This ensures that the player is always with the newer version of the mod.