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Let's record our dev log here
FYI: up to spring03, we did not follow this rule, so version is not matching
sprint01 - v0.1
- AWS account created
- AWE EC2 instance created
- EC2 instance initialization (hello world)
- deploy AWS DB (RDS)
- Basic SQL setup based on our schema
- POST('/transaction') done
- GET('/transaction') done
- SQL data fix
- GET('/') done
- GET('/transction') Group member list query done
- GET('/history') done
- History feature done
- pokemon review (front-end structure)
- history page created
- (draft) landing page based on our schema
- landing page updated
- new event creation page created
sprint02 - v0.2
- login & logout draft done
- router issue b/w frontend and backend
- React-Router deployed
- add group feature (draft) done
- group listing in mypage
- redirection
sprint03 - v0.3
- v0.3.1 - transaction put completed along with get for transaction put along with new .put ('/history')
- v0.3.2 - history cost now displayed as +- cost
- v0.3.3 - get /history division completed
- v0.3.5 - error handling basic done + add admin functions functional
- v0.3.8 - added isadmin to get('/mypage') group list
- v0.3.0 - history done ckeck (toggle) feature
- v0.3.4 - new Event creation user input error handling done
- v0.3.6 - loaned & debt two separate history tables
- v0.3.7 - fixed history done check put debt & loan
Pull req to Master branch
- net mypage transaction
- create a new group & transaction (event)
- group edit
- history check done
- hotfix: group member select bug fixed
sprint04 - v0.4
- hotfix: mypage done (/misc) debugged an issue where both sides must have unpaid transactions among each other
- v0.4.2 - implemented pending for done between users
- v0.4.3 - pending request for completion of transaction done
- v0.4.5 - post/put transaction now checks whether the recipient is in participants
- hotfix: group edit fixed
- hotfix: fixed new transaction duplicate event error handling
- hotfix: new transaction input order error fixed
- hotfix: pre-member selected bug fixed in editEvent page
- v0.4.1 - editEvent page created (draft / event edit put has to be finished)
- v0.4.4 - edit event page done
- hotfix: add recipient cost & ispaid info
- v0.4.6 - Done with closeTransaction(mypage, history)
- v0.4.7 completed newevent Refactoring with manual cost input
- hotfix: history editButton and editInfoAuth(+mypage design)
##sprint05 - v0.5
- v0.5.2 Facebook login / email per event
- v0.5.6 transaction between people now also updates pending
- v0.5.7 unauthorized access to /api redirected
- v0.5.1 - add editInfo and design draft(landing, mypage)
- v0.5.3 - refactored newevent.js (hardcode -> functions) and added show current total input cost
- v0.5.4 - refactored editevent.js and bug fixed
- v0.5.5 - redirect works for duplicate email address failed
- v0.5.8 - updated newevent setstate callback (primarily on newrecipient related bug)
- v0.5.9 - updated editevent and some bugfix in newevent
- v0.5.9.1 - grouppage draft waiting for design task
- v0.5.10 - edit design(mypage, landing, addNewGroup, eventInfo, editEvent, groupPage) hotfix: newevent and editevent member ispaid toggle bug fixed
- v0.5.11 - react-router applied
- v0.5.12 - navbar added to all components
- v0.5.13 - mypage accept/decline value bug fixed & cost roundup applied with + 1000 KRW upper bound deviation in newevent and editevent hotfix: removed navbar hardcode from mypage hotfix: edit groupPage's function and design hotfix: Final add group checkn error fix hotfix: groupedit form classname bug fixed hotfix: groupedit member delete bug fixed and editevent nothing changes fixed
- v0.5.14 - newevent the total cost less than 1,000 KRW is not allowed