Schema Proposals - JumboCode/TUTV GitHub Wiki
- ID: Integer
- First Name: String
- Last Name: String
- Email: String
- Permissions: String (Member, Admin, Superuser)
- Request History: Array of Equipment Requests (Filter through all past equipment requests for a given user)
Equipment (For each piece or each type?)
- ID: Integer
- Name: String
- Description: String
- Comments: Array of Strings (Keeping a log of comments from members when they return the equipment)
- Image: Asset
- Availability: Array of Unavailable times (Perhaps we can just filter all requests for open requests that contain this piece of equipment?)
- Category: String (Video, Audio, Lighting, Misc, etc.)
- Tags: Array of Strings
- Location: string (+ User) (with User XYZ, gone for repair, unknown)
- (Count?)
Equipment Request
- ID: Integer
- User ID: Integer
- Type: String (Personal, TUTV Project)
- Content: Array of Equipment IDs
- Request Made: Date and Time
- Proposed Checkout: Date and Time
- Proposed Return: Date and Time
- Actual Checkout: Date and Time
- Actual Return: Date and Time
- Status: String (Pending/Booked (i.e. haven't been taken out yet), Open (i.e. taken out but not returned), Returned, Canceled, Broken/Missing(?))