Install Servidor en CentOS 7 - Juliniho/Pitagoras GitHub Wiki

Nextcloud v.15 to Centos 7 edit 06/2019

  • Operating System
    CentOS 7
  • Database
    MySQL 5.x or MariaDB 5.5+ (recommended)
    Oracle Database 11g (only as part of an enterprise subscription)
    PostgreSQL 9/10
    SQLite (only recommended for testing and minimal-instances)
  • Webserver
    Apache 2.4 with mod_php or php-fpm (recommended)
    nginx with php-fpm
    PHP Runtime

Updates SO
yum update -y

install some dependencies and EPEL repository
yum install -y epel-release yum-utils unzip curl wget \ bash-completion policycoreutils-python mlocate bzip2


httpd -v
or see which is your versions
yum install -y httpd
Active as service
systemctl enable httpd.service
systemctl start httpd.service

yum-config-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-eus-rpms

  • habilitar el manager yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72 yum -y install php
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