Installation - JulienLegrand/PhotoPi GitHub Wiki
Installation (from scratch)
This process is the result of many tries. So it may be a little chaotic :)
Linux installation
Install Raspberry Pi Imager available here : Installation :
- Raspberry model : Raspberry 3 for me
- OS : Raspberry Pi OS (Other) \ Debian bullseye without desktop
- Storage : SD card drive letter Custom configuration :
- Wifi SSID configuration
- Custom user/password
First boot
Use putty with previous login/password First, be up to date !
sudo su
apt-get install
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
Don't change regional settings, just the keyboard layout if necessary
Samba (option)
For convenience but optional
apt-get install apt-transport-https samba samba-common-bin
Add this here : /etc/samba/smb.conf
comment = Share
read only = no
writable = yes
locking = no
path = /
guest ok = yes
force user = pi
Then restart Samba
service nmbd restart
Python requirements
sudo apt-get install python3-pygame gphoto2 git
Update Gphoto2 (option)
Choose the last stable version :
wget && chmod +x && sudo ./
apt-get autoremove
The project
With Git (add SSH certificate to github account) :
cat ~/.ssh/
git clone [email protected]:JulienLegrand/PhotoPi.git
Or download it, but it can't be updated later with a simple 'git fetch' and 'git pull'
Add permissions :
sudo chown -R pi PhotoPi
Launch with : (locally or remotely)
cd PhotoPi