How to use the spotify widget - Julian702/openHAB-widgets GitHub Wiki

Create the thing and needed items

Install the OpenHab Spotify Binding and for each user configure a Spotify Player Bridge as a Thing. You can add the needed Items via ui or by using code.

To add them via UI in your Model page choose 'Create Equipment from Thing' (for each user you have a thing, so you may need to do this more than once) and select all defaults. Additonally thick 'Show Advanced' and include 'Track Progress (ms)' and 'Track Duration (ms)'

To add them by using code create a new .items file and insert the following items if you haven't done it already.

    String	spotifyTrackPlay            "Track Play"        {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackPlay"}
    String	spotifyActiveDeviceName     "Device name"       {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:deviceName"}
    Dimmer	spotifyActiveDeviceVolume   "Device volume"     {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:deviceVolume"}
    Switch	spotifyActiveDeviceShuffle  "Shuffle"           {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:deviceShuffle"}
    String	spotifyTrackRepeat          "Repeat"            {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackRepeat"}
    String	spotifyArtistName           "Artist"            {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:artistName"}
    String	spotifyTrackName            "Track Name"        {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackName"}
    String	spotifyTrackProgress        "Track progress"    {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackProgress"}
    String	spotifyTrackDuration        "Track duration"    {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackDuration"}
    Number	spotifyTrackProgressMs      "Track progress"    {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackProgressMs"}
    Number	spotifyTrackDurationMs      "Track duration"    {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:trackDurationMs"}
    String	spotifyAlbumName            "Album"             {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:albumName"}
    Image	spotifyAlbumImage           "Album Image"       {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:albumImage"}

    String	spotifyActiveDevices        "Device [%s]"       {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:devices"}
    String	spotifyPlaylists            "Playlist [%s]"     {channel="spotify:player:<SpotifyPlayerBridge>:playlists"}


Create the widget

Go to the 'Developers Tools', select 'Widgets' and create a new one by pressing the '+' icon. Replace the already defined code with the spotify-widget.yaml and dont forget to save.


Use the widget

In your pages editor you can select the widget from your personal widgets. In its properties you have to select the Spotify items you created above.

If you have not changed the item names, you can copy the following config.

component: widget:spotify_widget_0.01
  trackPlayer: spotifyTrackPlayer
  activeDeviceName: spotifyActiveDeviceName
  activeDeviceVolume: spotifyActiveDeviceVolume
  activeDeviceShuffle: spotifyActiveDeviceShuffle
  repeatMode: spotifyTrackRepeat
  artistName: spotifyArtistName
  trackName: spotifyTrackName
  trackProgress: spotifyTrackProgress
  trackDuration: spotifyTrackDuration
  trackProgressMs: spotifyTrackProgressMs
  trackDurationMs: spotifyTrackDurationMs
  albumName: spotifyAlbumName
  albumImage: spotifyAlbumImage
  activeDevices: spotifyActiveDevices
  playlists: spotifyPlaylists


Final Result

Your widget should now look like this.



This is a modified version of the Spotify Widget by Olaf Kolkman.