References - JuliaElizabethLittle/peeMarksmanship GitHub Wiki
As we said in the Brainstorming part we had open in the background the Makezine page. And here we're going to reference some of the projects that inspired us. The first one we saw is directly related to the idea we chose:
We thought this project was really fun, and as we were commenting it we figured that it would be even better if it told you how neat the guy had been while peeing (hence the peeMarksmanship) In this case they sense if each appliance has been used with Piezos:
Here is how the system works. First a sensor detects when the toilet is used. Then a second sensor detects when the sink is used. A third sensor detects when the restroom door is opened. An Arduino microcontroller monitors all of these sensors. If someone uses the toilet but does not use the sink, an alarm will sound when they open the door to leave. This will alert everyone in the room that they did not wash their hands.
In our case Piezos won't work to detect the persons pee, because it won't be strong enough.
This project is about a plant that posts to Twitter if it hasn't been watered. From this project we liked the idea of an object posting to Twitter. We envisioned our Bullseye in public restrooms (bars, pubs, etc) so it would be really fun to have like a high score to encourage people to beat it (and incidentally order more...)
Answers the question: What's up with your plant? It offers a connection to your leafy pal via online Twitter status updates that reach you anywhere in the world. When your plant needs water, it will post to let you know, and send its thanks when you show it love. Twitter is social software that asks a simple question: What are you doing?
This one follows the Same principle of tweeting what you type...
Twitter was established in 2006 and is daily used by people all over the world through modern technology like smartphones, tablets, and computers, all of which are relatively new electronic devices connected to the Internet. We wanted to change that. At least the part about relatively new devices.
Typewriters have been around for ages. Mechanical, handcrafted, vintage, marvelous pieces of metal, which prints one character with each keypress by making ink impressions onto paper.People seeing an old typewriter for the first time seem to really enjoy it, and immediately start typing away. There is something pleasant about the whole mechanical and robust experience. At least for a short period of time, before it starts getting tiresome. Say, around 140 characters?
From here we based our idea to have a LCD display in which the results would scroll by, so everyone in the bar could see how neat you'd just been in the WC.
The idea was to use an Arduino Uno and a GSM shield that allows me to send a text message to the Arduino/GSM. Once in the Arduino, the text message is extracted, manipulated a bit, and then displayed scrolling across a 16×2 LCD affixed to my office door. To mount the display on the door, a bracket was made with a 3D printer, and a cable connects the Arduino to the LCD.