W.API Application Programming Interfaces - JulTob/Python GitHub Wiki
Application Programming Interfaces
We now have the ability to exchange data between applications using HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) and a way to represent complex data that we are sending back and forth between these applications using eXtensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The next step is to begin to define and document "contracts" between applications using these techniques. The general name for these application-to-application contracts is Application Program Interfaces or APIs. When we use an API, generally one program makes a set of services available for use by other applications and publishes the APIs (i.e., the "rules") that must be followed to access the services provided by the program. When we begin to build our programs where the functionality of our program includes access to services provided by other programs, we call the approach a Service-Oriented Architecture or SOA. A SOA approach is one where our overall application makes use of the services of other applications. A non-SOA approach is where the application is a single standalone application which contains all of the code necessary to implement the application. We see many examples of SOA when we use the web. We can go to a single web site and book air travel, hotels, and automobiles all from a single site. The data for hotels is not stored on the airline computers. Instead, the airline computers contact the services on the hotel computers and retrieve the hotel data and present it to the user. When the user agrees to make a hotel reservation using the airline site, the airline site uses another web service on the hotel systems to actually make the reservation. And when it comes time to charge your credit card for the whole transaction, still other computers become involved in the process.
Service Oriented Architecture A Service-Oriented Architecture has many advantages including: (1) we always maintain only one copy of data (this is particularly important for things like hotel reservations where we do not want to over-commit) and (2) the owners of the data can set the rules about the use of their data. With these advantages, an SOA system must be carefully designed to have good performance and meet the user's needs. When an application makes a set of services in its API available over the web, we call these web services.
Google geocoding web service
Google has an excellent web service that allows us to make use of their large database of geographic information. We can submit a geographical search string like "Ann Arbor, MI" to their geocoding API and have Google return its best guess as to where on a map we might find our search string and tell us about the landmarks nearby. The geocoding service is free but rate limited so you cannot make unlimited use of the API in a commercial application. But if you have some survey data where an end user has entered a location in a free-format input box, you can use this API to clean up your data quite nicely. When you are using a free API like Google's geocoding API, you need to be respectful in your use of these resources. If too many people abuse the service, Google might drop or significantly curtail its free service. You can read the online documentation for this service, but it is quite simple and you can even test it using a browser by typing the following URL into your browser: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Ann+Arbor%2C+MI Make sure to unwrap the URL and remove any spaces from the URL before pasting it into your browser. The following is a simple application to prompt the user for a search string, call the Google geocoding API, and extract information from the returned JSON.
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
# Note that Google is increasingly requiring keys
# for this API
serviceurl = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?'
while True:
address = input('Enter location: ')
if len(address) < 1: break
url = serviceurl + urllib.parse.urlencode(
{'address': address})
print('Retrieving', url)
uh = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = uh.read().decode()
print('Retrieved', len(data), 'characters')
js = json.loads(data)
js = None
if not js or 'status' not in js or js['status'] != 'OK':
print('==== Failure To Retrieve ====')
print(json.dumps(js, indent=4))
lat = js["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
lng = js["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
print('lat', lat, 'lng', lng)
location = js['results'][0]['formatted_address']
The program takes the search string and constructs a URL with the search string as a properly encoded parameter and then uses urllib to retrieve the text from the Google geocoding API. Unlike a fixed web page, the data we get depends on the parameters we send and the geographical data stored in Google's servers. Once we retrieve the JSON data, we parse it with the json library and do a few checks to make sure that we received good data, then extract the information that we are looking for. The output of the program is as follows (some of the returned JSON has been removed):
$ python3 geojson.py
Enter location: Ann Arbor, MI
Retrieving http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/
Retrieved 1669 characters
"status": "OK",
"results": [
"geometry": {
"location_type": "APPROXIMATE",
"location": {
"lat": 42.2808256,
"lng": -83.7430378
"address_components": [
"long_name": "Ann Arbor",
"types": [
"short_name": "Ann Arbor"
"formatted_address": "Ann Arbor, MI, USA",
"types": [
lat 42.2808256 lng -83.7430378
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Security and API usage
It is quite common that you need some kind of "API key" to make use of a vendor's API. The general idea is that they want to know who is using their services and how much each user is using. Perhaps they have free and pay tiers of their services or have a policy that limits the number of requests that a single individual can make during a particular time period. Sometimes once you get your API key, you simply include the key as part of POST data or perhaps as a parameter on the URL when calling the API. Other times, the vendor wants increased assurance of the source of the requests and so they add expect you to send cryptographically signed messages using shared keys and secrets. A very common technology that is used to sign requests over the Internet is called OAuth. You can read more about the OAuth protocol at www.oauth.net. As the Twitter API became increasingly valuable, Twitter went from an open and public API to an API that required the use of OAuth signatures on each API request. Thankfully there are still a number of convenient and free OAuth libraries so you can avoid writing an OAuth implementation from scratch by reading the specification. These libraries are of varying complexity and have varying degrees of richness. The OAuth web site has information about various OAuth libraries. For this next sample program we will download the files twurl.py, hidden.py, oauth.py, and twitter1.py from www.py4e.com/code and put them all in a folder on your computer. To make use of these programs you will need to have a Twitter account, and authorize your Python code as an application, set up a key, secret, token and token secret. You will edit the file hidden.py and put these four strings into the appropriate variables in the file: