5. Functions - JulTob/Python GitHub Wiki
Statements that perform a task.
def fname(<parameters>):
‘’’doc string’’’
return <expression>
‘’’Call to function’’’
fname(<parameters values>)
>>> doc string
def triangle_area(base, height):
‘’’Returns the Area’’’
area = 0.5 * base * height
return area
triangle_area(base=3, height=4)
triangle_area(3, 4)
def set_global_var:
global global_var
f = 101
A function does not change the external values of the variables. The internal variables only exist in execution.
def sum (a,b):
print “a is”,a
a= a+b
print “a is”,a
return a
b= 123
print (sum (a,b) )
# a doesn’t change
>> a is 2
a is 125
>> 2
def sounds( vocal = 'a', length = 1):
print (vocal*length)
# Why Python Is Great:
# Function argument unpacking
def myfunc(x, y, z):
print(x, y, z)
tuple_vec = (1, 0, 1)
dict_vec = {'x': 1, 'y': 0, 'z': 1}
>>> myfunc(*tuple_vec)
1, 0, 1
>>> myfunc(**dict_vec)
1, 0, 1
Using function from in-built modules e.g. Import function sqrt from the math module. To get a list of supported modules, use help("modules").
from math import sqrt
# Get value from the user
num = eval(input("Enter number: "))
# Compute the square root
root = sqrt(num);
# Report result
print("Square root of", num, "=", root)
User-defined functions
# Count to ten and print each number on its own line
def count_to_num(n):
for i in range(1, n+1):
print("Going to count to ten . . .")