6.7. Numeric Types - JulTob/Ada GitHub Wiki

👩🏻‍🏫 The other fundamental types are the numeric types. One way or another, all other data types are built out of enumeration types and numeric types.

👩🏻‍🔬 The two major classes of numeric types are the integer types and floating point types.

👮🏻‍♀️ The integer types are further subdivided into signed integer types (such as Integer) and unsigned or modular types.

💂🏻‍♀️All implementations have the types following types:

-- Mains
Integer       -- From -2147483648 to  2147483647
Float         -- From -3.40282E+38 to  3.40282E+38

-- Integers
Natural       -- From  0 to  2147483647
Positive      -- From  1 to  2147483647
              -- subtype Positive is integer 1..Integer'Last;
Long_Integer        -- From -9223372036854775808 to  9223372036854775807
Long_Long_Integer   -- From -9223372036854775808 to  9223372036854775807

Short_Integer         -- From -32768 to  32767
Short_Short_Integer   -- From -128 to  127

-- Floats
Long_Float         -- From -1.79769313486232E+308 to  1.79769313486232E+308

Long_Long_Float    -- From -1.18973149535723177E+4932 to  1.18973149535723177E+4932

Short_Float        -- From -3.40282E+38 to  3.40282E+38

🕵🏻‍♀️ There will also be specific integer types for an implementation depending upon the supported word lengths such as Integer_16 and unsigned types such as Unsigned_16.

Count : Integer;
X, Y, Z : Integer;
Amount : Integer := 0;

Put_Line("The min range of an integer [" &
    Integer'Image(Integer'First) & "] and the max range of an integer [" &
    Integer'Image(Integer'Last) & "].");

n : Natural := 0; -- Subset of Integer {0..Max}
pos : Positive := 1;  -- Subset of Integer {1..Max}

Put_Line("The min range of a positive [" 
        & Positive'Image(Positive'First) 
        & "] and the max range of a positive [" 
        & Positive'Image(Positive'Last) 
        & "].");

Put_Line("The min range of a natural [" &
          Natural'Image(Natural'First) & "] and the max range of a natural [" &
          Natural'Image(Natural'Last) & "].");

Speed_Of_Light : constant := 300_000; 
   --  Type, universal_integer

A_Month : Integer range 1..12;

var : float;
a, b, c : float := 0.0;
pi : constant float := 3.14_15_92;
Avogadro : constant := 6.027E23
   --  Type, universal_float

-- in begin body:
 X := 10_000;
 Y := 10e4
 Z := 10E4  --Same values
 A := 12.10; -- is the variable float declared "a"
 B := 1.0E-12; -- is the variable float declared "b"

 Byte := 2#1000_0100_0010_0001#
 Mask := 16#FFF0#

All bases 2..8 are allowed

Type Distance is digits 10;
Type temperature is digits 5 range -273.15 .. 1_000_000.0;