6. The Scalar Type Model - JulTob/Ada GitHub Wiki

🦾 The key benefit of Ada is it’s strong typing.

💪 Every object in the language has a type.

🖐 A type characterizes a set of values, and a set of applicable operations.

☝️ Aspect clauses specify the mapping between types and features of an underlying machine.

✌️ For example, the user can specify that objects of a given type must be represented with a given number of bits, or that the components of a record are to be represented using a given storage layout.

🤞 Other features allow the controlled use of low level, nonportable, or implementation-dependent aspects, including the direct insertion of machine code.

🤙 Integer types can be defined by range

type Score is range 0 .. 50;
type Percentage is range -100 .. 100;

👇Enumeration types are defined by a list of values

type Color is (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black);
type Ternary is (True, False, Unknown);

🤏Float types are defined by a minimal number of significant (decimal) digits

type Distance is digits 10;
type Temperature is digits 5 range -273.15 .. 1_000_000.0;

🤚 It is possible to create a new type based on an existing type

type Math_Score is new Score; 

✋The new type can restrict the range of values

type Math_Score is new Score range 0 .. 10; 
type Primary_Color is new Color range Red .. Blue;
 --Write Personalized types for transferable programs.
    type Double is new Long_Double;
    type Triple is new Long_Long_Double;
    type My_Float is digits 7; --Accuracy as needed

    --Or write types to prevent mistakes!
    type X_Coordinate_Type is new integer;
    type Y_Coordinate_Type is new integer;
    type Radius_Type is new Float range 0.0 .. 100.0
    --Or write types to constrain values
    type Z_Coordinate_Type is range 0..(1024-1);  --No variables here
    --Or improve portability specifying size
    type Block Counter Type is range 0 .. 1_000_000_000;
    --Or make a cyclic type with modular types!!!!
    type Offset_Type is mod 2**8;   --0 to 2**8-1 and back. 8 bits
                                    --Also allows AND OR XOR operations
    --Or make characteristics a type with enumeration types
    type Day_Type is (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat);
    --This improves the modular thinking of programming
    type State_Type is ( Initializing , Waiting, Processing, Stopping);

    --Or represent better the real world you try to model
    type Color_Type is (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green);
    type Trafic_Type is (halted, congested, slow, dense, flow, fast, dangerous); 
    −− These types are alternatives to Boolean’s True/False. 
    type Switch_Setting is (Off, On);
    type Control_Rod_Setting is (Down, Up);
    type System_Mode is (Sleeping, Active );
    --Or make derived types from other types
    type Light_Type is new Color_Type;
    --Set constrains to types with subtypes
    subtype Weekday_Type is Day_Type range Mon..Fri;   --is not a new type, but just a name for a constrained version of the parent type

    --Two integer subtypes are always visible!
    subtype Natural is Integer range 0 .. Integer ’ Last ; 
    subtype Positive is Integer range 1 .. Integer ’ Last ;

    --And Subtypes can be defined ON THE RUN!

    --All this are discrete Types and share this properties: THE ATRIBUTES

    type Position_Type is (Starting, Finishing);
    type Buffer_Type is record
        Data: String(1..Buffer_Size);
        Position: is array Position_Type of (Integer range 1..Buffer_Size); --Beggining/Finish position
    end record;

    C: Color_Type:= Blue;
    L: Light_Type;
    Buffer: Buffer_Type;
    I : Integer;
    F : Float;
    B : Boolean;
    Base: X_Coordinate_Type;
    High: Y_Coordinate_Type;
    Depth:= Z_Coordinate_Type;
    Offset : Offset Type;
    Day: Day_Type;
begin --Hello_Explicit_Conversion

L:= Light_Type(C);    --legal
C:= Color_Type(L);   --legal
--C:=L            --ilegal

I := 1;      --legal
F := 1.0;    --legal

--I := 1.0;  --ilegal
--F := 1;    --ilegal
--F := I;    --ilegal
--I := F;    --ilegal

F := Float(I);    −− Explicit conversion: Legal
I := Integer (F); −− Explicit conversion: Legal

-- High:=Base;                    --ilegal
High:= Y_Coordinate_Type(Base);   --Legal
Depth:= Z_Coordinate_Type(Base);  --Can raise error!
Depth:= 1024;                     --WILL raise an error at runtime

Offset := Offset and 16#3FF#; −− Bitwise AND with a hex mask.

---------  ATRIBUTES:  ----------
C:= Color_Type'First;    --is Red
Day:= Day_Type'First;    --is Mon? No! It's Sun! Better assign 'First
I:= Integer'First;       --Whatever it is, is far in the negative side

C:= Color_Type'Last;    --is Green
Day:= Day_Type'Last;    --is Sun? No! It's Sat! Better assign 'Last
I:= Integer'Last;       --Pretty big guy

--Succ (Succesor)
C:= Color_Type'Succ(Red);
I:= Integer'Succ(3);        --Weird? A little.

--Pred  (Predecesor)
C:= Color_Type'Pred(C);     --Go back!
I:= Integer'Pred(3);        --2, that's 2!

--Pos   (Position in list) 
I:= Integer'Pos(2);        --Wait... This works?

--Val (The Value at position...)
C:= Color_Type'Val(3);
I:=Integer'Val(1);      --Again, wtf is this doing

--Size (The Size in Data!

--Control Flow: Use your types for better control of the program!

for Day2 in Sun .. Fri loop
    case Day2 in
        when Sun => null; −− etc... 
        when Mon | Tue =>null;  −− etc... 
        when Wed .. Fri => null; −− etc...
        when others => null; --Did you control all the flow?
    end case; 
end loop;

Buffer:= (Data=> ('X','Y','Z',others=>' '),
end Hello_Explicit_Conversion;

procedure Demonstrate_Subtypes (Lower, Upper : in Day_Type;
                                Day : in out Day_Type) is
    subtype Interval is Day_Type range Lower .. Upper;   --Also, if Lower>Upper the range is 0!
                                                         --Also, SUBTYPES CAN BE DEFINED ON THE RUN!
    X : Interval := Interval’First ;
    Day := X; −− No run time check. Will definitely succeed.
    X := Day; −− Run time check. Day might be out of range. ERROR!
End Demonstrate_Subtypes;

Fundamental Data Types

Character		A single character	
Integer			An integer (32-bit) number
Natural			Zero or positive integer	 
Positive		Positive integer	 	 
Long_Integer		A big integer (same as long in Gcc)
Long_Long_Integer	A really big (64-bit) integer
Short_Integer		A small (16-bit) integer	
Short_Short_Integer	A really small (8-bit) integer	
Float			A real number	
Long_Float		A big real number	
Long_Long_Float		A really big real number	
Short_Float		A smaller real number	
Fixed			A fixed-point real number	 
String			An Ada fixed-length string	

Qualified assignment

Una expresión cualificada se usa para establecer el tipo de un operando que puede ser o una expresión o un agregado.

type Colores is (Rojo, Naranja, Amarillo, Verde, Azul Añil, Violeta);
type Semáforo is (Verde, Amarillo, Rojo);
type Persona is record
   Edad : Natural;
   DNI  : String (1 .. 8);
end record;

--  Expresiones cualificadas
Persona'(21, "42555123");