3.3. Privacy - JulTob/Ada GitHub Wiki

Private types are useful for preventing the users of a package’s types from depending on the types’ implementation details.

The private keyword splits the package spec into “public” and “private” parts.

That is somewhat analogous to C++’s partitioning of the class construct into different sections with different visibility properties. In Java, the encapsulation has to be done field by field.

In Ada the entire definition of a type can be hidden.

package Types is
  type Type_1 is private;
  type Type_2 is private;
  type Type_3 is private;
  procedure P (X : Type_1);
  procedure Q (Y : Type_1);
  type Type_1 is new Integer range 1 .. 1000;
  type Type_2 is array (Integer range 1 .. 1000) of Integer;
  type Type_3 is record
    A, B : Integer;
    end record;

end Types;

Remember you still may need a body file that implements the processes and functions, and some hidden types.