(0.0.0) Setting Up - JujuAdams/Bento GitHub Wiki
How do I import Bento into my game?
GameMaker Studio 2 allows you to import assets, including scripts and shaders, directly into your project via the "Local Package" system. From the Releases tab for this repo, download the .yymp file for the latest version. In the GMS2 IDE, load up your project and click on "Tools" on the main window toolbar. Select "Import Local Package" from the drop-down menu then import all scripts and shaders from the Bento package.
How do I set up Bento using GML?
Bento requires no specific initialisation script to be run, nor any extra setup with Included Files or other GameMaker resources (unlike Scribble for example). You can jump in and write code immediately.
That having been said, Bento's basic functionality is just that: functional. Creating a visually unique UI for your game makes a huge difference and that requires customisation. To that end, Bento is designed to be easily extended to accommodate whatever behaviours you need.
Bento can be customised in three main ways:
Using styles (and style templates) to add colour and texture to your UI elements
Setting callbacks for buttons so that elements are interactive
Creating your own element types by extending the base