//Elements in Bento's DOM are created by calling scripts
//Elements are structs (a.k.a. light-weight objects) with lots of data nested inside them
document = bento_box(30, 30, room_width-30, room_height-30);
//We can access variables attached to this element using dot notations
document.style.margin = 10;
document.style.fill.color = c_black;
document.style.fill.alpha = 0.7;
document.style.interactive = false;
document.properties.bento_permanent_name = "document"; //Bento will automatically name elements unless their "permanent name" is set
//We use the add_at() method to add child elements at a fixed position
//Here, we're adding a named child called "clip_window" at position {0,0} relative to the parent
//This element can later be referenced with "document.clip_window"
//Because <document> has its margin set to 10px, <document.clip_window> will appear at {40,40} in worldspace
var _rectangle = bento_rectangle(160, 210);
document.add_at(0, 0, _rectangle, "clip_window");
//We can use with() statements to make assigning lots of variables easier
clip = true;
fill.color = c_white;
fill.alpha = 0.8;
//Style templates are structs, stored in global scope, and are referenced by string
//bento_style_template() can be used to both create and get a style template
with(bento_style_template("nineslice template"))
nineslice.l = 8;
nineslice.t = 8;
nineslice.r = 8;
nineslice.b = 8;
with(document.add(bento_nineslice(s9SliceTest, 0, 300, 200, "nineslice template"), "nineslice1"))
anchor_right( root, "center", 0, -20);
anchor_bottom(root, "bottom", 0, 0);
with(document.add(bento_nineslice(s9SliceTest, 0, 300, 200, "nineslice template"), "nineslice2"))
anchor_left( root, "center", 0, 20);
anchor_bottom(root, "bottom", 0, 0);
with(bento_style_template("clip window text"))
text.color = c_black;
//We can use the optional argument of bento_text() to specify a style template
var _text = bento_text("Clipping Window", "clip window text");
document.clip_window.add_at(3, 0, _text);
//Because we set <document.clip_window> to clip, any child content that exceeds the limits of the parent element will be visually clipped
var _i = 0;
var _string = 5*("text " + string(_i) + " ");
document.clip_window.add_at(3, 20 + _i*20, bento_text(_string, "clip window text"));
with(document.add(bento_text("This text is a button."), "button1"))
//Here we're going to some manual anchoring
//We're going to align this element (a text button) to the top right of the clip window
//Note that we're using <root> instead of <document> here. This is because <button1> can't read variable in instance scope
anchor_left(root.clip_window, "right", 20, 0);
anchor_top( root.clip_window, "top" , 0, 0);
//Button behaviour is enabled by setting functions
callbacks.mouse_released = function()
//This function will display the button's long name when clicked
with(document.add(bento_rectangle(200, 60), "button2"))
anchor_left(root.button1, "left" , 0, 0);
anchor_top( root.button1, "bottom", 40, 0);
with(document.button2.add(bento_text("Button Event"), "display_text"))
anchor_left(root.button2, "center", 0, "-50%");
anchor_top( root.button2, "middle", 0, "-50%");
text.color = c_black;
text.halign = fa_center; //Text can be horizontal/vertically aligned as usual
text.valign = fa_middle;
interactive = false; //Elements can be set to non-interactive to stop them from eating mouse input
callbacks.mouse_event = function(_event) //Bento also offers an event-driven approach for buttons too
if ((_event != "over") || !properties.mouse.state)
display_text.properties.text = "Button Event\n" + _event;
if (_event == "released")