FAQ - JugadorXEI/tf2rebalance_jug GitHub Wiki
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I install this?
A: Grab the latest release from the Releases section, from there on it should be drag-n-drop to the Sourcemod folder.
Q: How do I add attributes to my weapons?
A: Your sourcemod/data folder should contain a
file you can edit to add attributes automatically to weapons that spawn alongside players. Another file,tf2rebalance_attributes.example.txt
, also teaches you how you should fill the file correctly. -
Q: Where do I get item and attribute indexes?
Weapon Editing
- Q: If "keepattribs" is set to zero on a weapon section, minimal viewmodels aren't preserved! Can you fix it?
- A: Minimal viewmodels are a clientside process, so it's not possible to preserve a player's mininmal viewmodel preferences. For this purpose, /cantsee was created, which is suggested to be used.
- Q: If "keepattribs" is set to zero on a flamethrower, it doesn't shoot flames! What do I do?
- A: Flamethrowers' physics are controlled by attributes. Here are the default ones (remember to format it like how
requires it, names are given for readability only):
"flame_gravity" "0"
"flame_drag" "8.5"
"flame_up_speed" "50"
"flame_speed" "2450"
"flame_spread_degree" "2.8"
"flame_lifetime" "0.6"
"flame_random_life_time_offset" "0.1"
- And here are more flamethrower attributes to mess around with (credit to Jakapoa):
"flame_up_speed" - Changes how fast flames move upwards. Can be negative to move downward
"flame_speed" - How fast flames move.
"flame_drag" - How much resistance a flame faces durring flight. Lower values make flames travel farther.
"flame_gravity" - Are flames effected by gravity. Honestly I dont think this does anything.
"flame_spread_degree" - Flame angle deviation. Basically "projectile spread angle penalty" for flamethrowers.
"flame_reflect_on_collision" - how hard a flame bounces off a surface
"redirected_flame_size_mult" - (?)
"flame_ignore_player_velocity" - Does that
"airblast_turn_projectile_to_ammo" - spawns small ammopack on reflect
"airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" - (untested)
"airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled" - projectiles are not airblasted
"airblast_put_out_teammate_disabled" - teammates can not be extinguished
"airblast_pushback_disabled" - can not airblast players
"airblast_destroy_projectile" - destroys projectiles instead of reflecting. Exactly like heavy deflection.