Used file formats - Juergen-ST/Qi_Authentication_Demo GitHub Wiki

The Qi Authentication Demo apps uses different files which are installed in the external memory space of the app. At default set of files will be installed at the first start of the app which can be modified later by the app user.

Binary data files

Binary data files are text files using the extension .txt describing a byte data array. Each byte is described by a 2-digit hexadecimal number separated by a colon character.

There are several different data files used:

  • Certificate Chain file
    This file is used for the PTx emulation and contains the content of one complete Certificate Chain. The file name ends with _chn.txt. These files are stored at Android/data/
  • Private key file
    This file contains a ECC NIST-256 private key and is used for the PTx emulation and for the testing of the manufacturer certificate. The file name ends with _prv.txt
  • Certificate file
    This file contains the content of one Certificate and is used for testing of the manufacturer certificate. The file name ends with _crt.txt. This files are stored at Android/data/ WPC_Root_crt.txt contains the Root Certificate used for the Qi Authentication Demo app (for PTX/PRx emulation and the Plugfest). If you change this file, all authentication tests with the files installed at default will fail.
  • CERTIFICATE response file
    This file contains the content of a CERTIFICATE response message hosting a complete Certificate Chain. This file is used to test the Certificate Chain in the Plugfest 2 fragment. The file name includes _CERTIFICATE
  • DIGESTS response file
    This file contains the content of a DIGESTS response message. This file is used to test the Digest of a Certificate Chain in the Plugfest 2 fragment. The file name includes _DIGETS
  • CHALLENGE request file
    This file contains the content of a CHALLENGE request message. This file is used to test the authentication of a PTx devices in the Plugfest 2 fragment. The file name includes _CHALLENGE
  • CHALLENGE_AUTH response file
    This file contains the content of a CHALLENGE_AUTH response message. This file is used to test the authentication of a PTx devices in the Plugfest 2 fragment. The file name includes _CHALLENGE_AUTH

Table files

The table files are csv files using a tabulator character to separate the table columns Two table files are used by the Qi Authentication Demo app:

  • Manufacturer list ptmc.csv
    This file contains the Manufacturer codes (PTMCs) which decodes the PTMC value. The first column contains the company name and the second column contains the PTMC code represented by a 4-digit hexadecimal number. The table must be sorted with ascending PTMC number. At default only a small sample table is installed. WPC members can retrieve from the member site the complete PTMC table and store this file at Android/data/
  • Qi ID list qtx_epp.csv
    This file contains the Qi ID list of certified Qi chargers. The first column contains the Qi ID represented by a decimal number. The second column contains the product name of the certified product and the third column contains the product name of the certified product. This table must be sorted with descending Qi-ID number. At default a sample table with certified Qi charger is installed. The user can extract from the WPC Product Database an own table and store this table at Android/data/

Log files

Log files are saved when the user press long on the log list. The file name ends at default with -Log.txt. These files can be further analyzed inside of a text editor.

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