Layer 1 - Juanmamd/fgc GitHub Wiki



  • Low energy usage (better 5v or 3.3v)
  • Low price - so it can be a layer really crowded and cheap to deploy.
  • Integrated communications: Radio Frequency, Infra-red, LPWAN, WIFI, serial, ethernet, etc.
  • Open hardware design
  • Integration with Layer 0 by I2C, 1Wire, SPI, etc
  • Small storage capacity for data caching and code download

Software and protocols

  • FreeRTOS/Mongoose, OpenWRT and similars. Even Linux
  • CoAP and MQTT
  • Autodiscovery and ZeroConf(mdns, dns-sd, ssdp, uPnp, etc)
  • AllJoyn has to be chequed


  • With Layer0 ** Sensor reading and calibration ** Actuators control ** Very simple protocol bridging
  • Within Layer1 ** Local data cache ** Neighbours discovery ** Communication proxy ** Path discovery
  • With Layer2 ** Send/publish data, status and structures (CoAP/MQTT) ** Send/publish own resources and Layer0 capabilities (resources and services) ** Receive/subscribe to commands and logic/code updates ** Simple communications with Blockchain ** Service discovery / announcement


  • Web GUI with: ** Monitoring (REST) ** Configuration ** Updates