Constraint device classification - Juanmamd/fgc GitHub Wiki

Classification according to their data and code size

 | Name        | data size (e.g., RAM) | code size (e.g., Flash) |
 | Class 0, C0 | << 10 KiB             | << 100 KiB              |
 |             |                       |                         |
 | Class 1, C1 | ~ 10 KiB              | ~ 100 KiB               |
 |             |                       |                         |
 | Class 2, C2 | ~ 50 KiB              | ~ 250 KiB               |

Classes of Constrained Devices (KiB = 1024 bytes)

Classification according to energy limitation

 | Name | Type of energy limitation    | Example Power Source        |
 | E0   | Event energy-limited         | Event-based harvesting      |
 |      |                              |                             |
 | E1   | Period energy-limited        | Battery that is             |
 |      |                              | periodically recharged or   |
 |      |                              | replaced                    |
 |      |                              |                             |
 | E2   | Lifetime energy-limited      | Non-replaceable primary     |
 |      |                              | battery                     |
 |      |                              |                             |
 | E3   | No direct quantitative       | Mains-powered               |
 |      | limitations to available     |                             |
 |      | energy                       |                             |

Classification according to communication capabilities

 | Name | Strategy     | Ability to communicate                      |
 | P0   | Normally-off | Reattach when required                      |
 |      |              |                                             |
 | P1   | Low-power    | Appears connected, perhaps with high        |
 |      |              | latency                                     |
 |      |              |                                             |
 | P9   | Always-on    | Always connected                            |