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Fog Computing Andalucia
Brief system description
Fog Computing Andalucia is a development project to improve actual state of the art in IoT (Internet of Things) with a fog computing architecture. It will provide two new layers of cheap objects, resource constraint, cooperative and distributed.
Fog architecture based on 5 layers or levels:
- Layer 0 (L0): Basic electronics. Very simple components.
- Layer 1 (L1): SOC and MCUs. Arduino and company. Some kind of communications. Energy and resource constraint.
- Layer 2 (L2): SBC. Raspberry Pi and alternatives. Good communications. Better resources, not great anyway.
- Layer 3 (L3): Real computers, MiniPC, local servers
- Layer 4 (L4): Cloud
Each layer has a data model and a communication paradigm.
- Open Source
- Security by design
- Distributed and high availability by design
- Best effort on autodiscovery and zero configuration
- Interoperatibility
- Cloud agnostics
Main technologies and systems (read about them):
- FreeRTOS or Mongoose for L1
- Linux for L2 and L3
- COAP and MQTT for things communications and interlayer messaging
- Node-red on L2, deployed from L3 o even L4
- Blockchain
There is a lot of work to be done
Visit our proves of concept, just rapid settings to test our ideas, not fully developed.