Why learning Windows PowerShell is Crucial.md - Juan-bit94/Ops401D10 GitHub Wiki

To learn about Windows PowerShell or not?

  • It not a humble opinion, if you are a current Windows system's administrator (or new to the field) and you want to continue to move up the ladder, then you need to know PowerShell.
  • It's a technology that Microsoft has fully bought into. Just as important is the community that has been created around PS.
  • Windows PS has taken off in the IT industry so there's really no chance that it's going to go away. If you choose to ignore it, then it's not going to get you very far into your career.

Reasons to learn PS

  • Many Microsoft technologies have a PowerShell only configuration. Sometimes parts of the configuration are PowerShell only. Think of the top of Lysc Server, which is Microsoft's Voice over IP and Unified Communications Software, and SharePoint Server that's their intranet portal, collaboration enterprise content management platform.
  • Both of those platforms have some configurations that can only be done in Windows PowerShell. Microsoft product teams are required to develop a PowerShell interface to whatever product or feature they are working on.
  • It also seems to be implicit that for more destructive configuration tasks, so our tasks that really modify the environment in a fundamental way, those are taken out of the graphical user interface and put strictly in Windows PowerShell.
  • If you do not know Windows PowerShell, you are really skating on thin ice in terms of your marketability, and your ability to administer these platforms.
  • Now more and more, technology is subject to regulation, and change management needs to be strictly control. In order to demonstrate change over time, you can use written scripts, which contain code that does some changes, as you store these scripts it can be used as a powerful method for documenting change management as well as providing automation.

What is automation?

  • The automation turns into real productivity.
  • As an administrator you can run some scripts that otherwise would take you potentially hours of work to do.
  • Now you will have all that extra time to devote to other tasks.

Knowledge is PowerShell

  • Learning PS is like learning a new language, you will be exposed to new ideas, and be able to communicate with that community more easily.
  • Having that knowledge, having that language and fluency is going to make you stand out as an IT candidate on your next job.
  • check out dice.com or any job bulletin board.