Reconstructing a Cloud Attack with - Juan-bit94/Ops401D10 GitHub Wiki

Reconstructing a Cloud Attack with Splunk

Why does this topic matter?

  • Its important to know more about the types of proxies there are in the market place. Knowing and effectively implementing forward and reverse proxies can go a long way in securing and managing the network infrastructure. It can protect users privacy and optimize performance of servers.

What are the benefits of a forward proxy?

  • A forward Proxy allows users to access the internet with anonymity by masking their IP addresses and enhances privacy. It can also filter and block certain content that the organization can deem a risk. Lastly, it can cache regularly visited websites, and this makes efficient use of bandwidth.

Explain the differences between a forward and a reverse proxy?

  • A forward proxy is used to access the internet and works more for clients than anything else. A reverse proxy works more for the server, it sits between clients and servers, and can be scalable

Explain to your manager why your organization might benefit from implementing a reverse proxy?

  • I would let my manager know that a reverse proxy can make our servers more reliable via load balancing. It can also provide security since it sits in between the internet and internal servers, it kinda acts as a barrier.

Things I want to know more about.

  • I'd like to know more about performance optimization in regards to proxy servers, is there a way to make it more efficient or responsive to increase or decrease of traffic.