2 12 2024 Lab Journal Process Monitor - Jsheepy101/SYS-140 GitHub Wiki

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  1. Define 3 concepts used in this lab

  2. a. Threads: Threads are basically all of the things open to make a process run. Ever notice how when you open google, there are like 8 process for google running? Each one of those are called threads, and they all load different features on the website.

  3. b. PID: Stands for Process ID. This is how your computer tracks what the process is. This number is used in commands if you want to inspect specifics on the process. This can be changed with commands as well.

  4. c. Handles: Handles are all of the libraries/files open for the process to work. For example, if you wanted to open a text file on your desktop, it would have to open the libraries Desktop/(text.file). That is 2 handles already, not including all of the specific user files and the drive letter.

  5. I have already explained threads, handles, and PIDs, there is one main thing left to explain, the start and exit tabs. The Start and Exit tabs on the Process monitor show what time and date the process began, and if the process has closed, when it ended. This section can be useful to see if a process that has been closed may be running in the background, or it can even find potential malware if a backdoor or trojan file is named to blend in with your files.


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