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Chapter 1

Figures 1.1 - 1.3 go over the importance of open-ended questions and a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude is not only professional but can also increase the chances of success when working.

It is also important to ask open-ended questions and make your conversation with the customer as beneficial as possible.

Example: Closed-ended question (aka the bad question): “Was the computer working this morning?” Reason: This question generally results in a yes or no answer. In a troubleshooting scenario, this gives little to no information on the problem.

Open-ended question (aka the good question): “At what time did the computer stop working?” Reason: This question is similar to the last one, however, the wording allows us to get more details. For example, this question lets us get a date or a time, so we can begin to create a timeline for troubleshooting.

Moving on to figures 1.5-1.7, They talk about the importance of research. As an IT person, it's important to be able to accurately search and find information for troubleshooting. Whether it's online wikis or official websites, there are a lot of ways to get information to solve problems.

Now onto figures 1.8-1.21, this whole section goes over the internal parts of computers. It goes over many things, such as display options like monitors and their connections, internal parts such as memory modules or internet adapters, and so on.

Figures 1.22-1.24 show us the two main input devices, keyboard and mouse. This short part also teaches you how to properly clean and maintain these two devices.

Figures 1.25-1.30 go over bits and byte prefixes. Anybody who has messed around with a computer has heard of these before. Bits and bytes are essentially storage for information. A bit is one digit, and a byte is 8. The prefixes attached to the byte define its size. You may know a few from downloading or moving data, such as Kilobytes, Megabytes, and for large files, Gigabytes. These bytes however can become very large, with storage devices that can hold Terabytes. This image is found in the textbook and is very useful to see how large they really are.


Figure 1.31 is the final little section, but one of the most important. This section goes over technology safety tips. When handling computers, it is important to know how to keep you and the devices you handle safe and secure.

Some Tips: Use antistatic mats and bags when taking apart or looking at devices Remove all jewelry or watches before opening up a PC so items do not fall into the case When picking up PCs or devices, lift with your legs, not your back Before working on a computer, ensure that the device is off and is not connected to a power source