Method 2 Automatic with manual values - Jrribas/InstantScale GitHub Wiki

This method requires that the SEM images have a white bar and a scale inside.

  1. Import the image/images from the File menu, Import Image.

Important If several images are selected, because this is not the automatic method, all images will have the same scale bar size and scale number.

The image will appear in the left canvas.

Tip: When selecting several images only the first one is shown but all will be processed after the Save as is clicked.

  1. Don't click the Read Scale button. In this method all values must be inserted by the user. To find the scale bar size in pixels a program such as the ImageJ must be used.

Only after all values are inserted, click Preview.

Tip: The target value is not necessary to the Preview to work .

  1. Click the Preview button.

The image on the left will appear in the right without the white bar and with the new scale.

  1. Now you can tailor the new image/scale at your own taste. You can:
  • Choose the new scale bar/background colours;
  • Choose the cropping direction.
  • Crop even further the image (max 50%)
  • Choose a specific target scale number.
  1. To save the images, click "Save as" in the File menu and select the folder where a new folder (images with new scale) will be created will the new images inside.

When all images are saved, a pop-up window will appear.

  1. Images are saved in a folder named "Images with new scale" in the folder selected.