Home - Jrodriguez4/Jaime-Rodriguez GitHub Wiki

#Jaime Rodriguez

     Electrical Engineer

          This wiki was created to showcase some of the projects that I have recently built and been apart of in my school, currently I am working towards my undergraduate degree in electrical engineering with a emphasis in Analog/RF at Portland State University , I also hope to continue on towards graduate school as well.

##### *You can find a link to my resume [Here](https://github.com/Jrodriguez4/Jaime-Rodriguez/blob/master/Resumes/EE%20professional/EE%20Resume-2015(no%20cover).pdf)*
#*Projects* ____
          Phase Lock Loop

PLL Tin Can PLL open hood

          Clear Resin Amplifier

Resin Amp Lights off

          Bamboo Sunglasses


          Digital Dash

Dash Dash2

          Knock Lock

Knock Box

          LaserCut Projects


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